Max Fouchy’s artistic residency in Sicily. Day 2.

Max Fouchy’s artistic residency in Sicily. Second day started with the Clean up with our partner Legambiente during the national day of “Clean the World”. The collected bottles will be part of the installation production and material for the workshop. Artist’s vision: Afternoon at Acitrezza, the place where the myth of Ulysses and polyphemus is […]
Klitsa Antoniou ‘s artistic residency in Malta. Day II.

Klitsa Antoniou’s artistic residency in Cyprus. Visiting Marina Life museums and researching the impact and the significance of the sea upon the history of the island. The exhibits of the museum cover a chronological span, from paleontological to historic periods until present times. Information on: climatic change of the last 2 million years, Messinian salinity crisis […]
Lucy Orta. Day II.

Lucy Orta’s artistic residency in Mallorca & Ibiza. Meeting with Pilar Rubi (Es Baluard Museum) to discuss public programming and collaboration, in at the exhibition Cumbustion Chamber where traditional Mallorca ceramic forms (Joan Pere Català Roig) sprout into totems for of cobalt oxide, along with activist glyphs by artists Albert Pinya by Exhibit Lab. Artist’s […]
Olga Sabko Day 2

Olga Sabko’s artistic residency in Mallorca. The day has started with a meeting with Anastasía, the ceramist, at Arina’s studio in Palma. It was a sunny quiet Sunday morning, when I walked through the sleepy city to reach the studio and to start to test the local clay, the first examples of ceramic objects for […]
Edgar Sarin’s artistic residency in Malta. Day II.

Edgar Sarin’s artistic residency in Malta. Visited the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta to see prehistoric pottery and artifacts that also relate to Edgar’s work historically. Following, he visited the walled city of Mdina, Malta’s former capital, and St Paul’s Cathedral in Mdina. Artist revised the way that his final installation would be set up […]
Klitsa Antoniou’s artistic residency in Cyprus. Day I.

Klitsa Antoniou’s artistic residency in Cyprus. Preparation of Materials, thinking about materials, experimenting with concept. Decisions: Via a multimedia installation Hydor-Is-Land/The Invaders addresses The Lessepsian migration — the invasion of alien species to the coast of Cyprus–as a result of climate change and human activities. Artist’s vision: Credit: Klitsa Antoniou