Max Fouchy. Day 4.

Max Fouchy’s artistic residency in Sicily. First visit to the studio of Magda Masano, the cultural artist who will be designing some elements in lava stone integrated with the bottles. Magda Masano’s studio Folk Magda Masano & Max Fouchy Artist’s Vision: details at the studio. Photo Credit: Max Fouchy Photo Credit: Max Fouchy
Klitsa Antoniou ‘s artistic residency in Cyprus. Day IV.

Artist’s vision: Making Plans/designing in the Exhibition Space. Meeting with George Lazoglou (Technical support specialist).Private visit Theatro Polis exhibition space. Meeting with technical staff. Discuss about installation requirements.. How do I create an immersive environment? What is the significance of light in the display?
Lucy Orta’s artistic residency. Day IV.

Lucy Orta’s Artistic residency. Today I’ve explored Arina Antonova’s library for glazes that best represent the colors of Monachus monachus. Monachus monachus is a species of seal endemic to the Mediterranean. During online meetings with @mar.lands scientific advisors, we discussed the monk seal, which occupied a special place in Mediterranean culture, myths, and folklore, in […]
Edgar Sarin’s artistic residency in Malta. Day IV.

Edgar Sarin’s artistic residency in Malta. Meetings with the Malta Digital Arts University students, and also Prof. Timmy Gambin, Marine Archaeologist. Artist’s Vision: Photo Credit: Edgar Sarin
Olga Sabko Day 4

Olga Sabko’s artistic residency in Mallorca. The day started with visiting Es Baluard Museu to discuss details of the upcoming presentation of the project and for the press conference. Olga Sabko gave an interview to Magda Albis – head of the press and communication center. Press conference with Olga Sabko at Es Baluard Museu Artist’s vision: ” Afterwards […]