
Arts and Science Project

Author: admin

by Klitsa ANTONIOU

Test Author Article

The development of the art projects goes on. The artists are improving their research by exchanging ideas with the curators, scientists, craftsmen and artisans to uncover the uniqueness of their targeted island, to understand and reflect on the incomparable cultural identity of that island.

MARLANDS Art Residency.

The cultural identity of the Mediterranean islands in art projects.

The development of the art projects goes on. The artists are improving their research by exchanging ideas with the curators, scientists, craftsmen and artisans to uncover the uniqueness of their targeted island, to understand and reflect on the incomparable cultural identity of that island.

Science and Art together across the Mediterranean.

Marlands artistic residency has started !

We are delighted to share with you some insights and experiences from the hybrid MARLANDS art residency that took place last week.

elena posokhova


The MARLANDS Artists are out! We received many applications for taking part in the art residencies on the Mediterranean Islands and it was very hard to choose the ones who are going to be the main characters of this edition, but here are our amazing contemporary artists [...]