Olga Sabko’s artistic residency in Mallorca.
First visit to the laboratory of Botanical garden Soler. The Botanical Garden of Sóller or Museum of Natural Sciences of the Balearic Islands in Sóller is dedicated to the study and conservation of nature in the Balearic Islands, as well as the dissemination of information relating to these subjects.

Artist’s vision:
I started my research on local plants at the Botanical garden, and gather the visual material, which I will later use to create the engravings. I am focusing on endemic species, such as Thymus herba-barona, Naufraga balearica, Ligusticum huteri to attract more attention to their uniqueness. Some of these plants may seem undistinguished for an average observer, they may have tiny owers, not very brightly coloured, but I’d like to highlight their humble beauty. My particular interest is how these plants propagate, so the focus of my research in the Botanical garden is on the pollination of owers, fertilization, seeds germination.