Olga Sabko Day 3

Olga Sabko’s artistic residency in Mallorca. Meeting with scientist Jorge Terrados at IMEDEA (The Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies) laboratory. Olga Sabko and Jorge Terrados Artist’s vision: “Poseidonia Oceanica, a very interesting plant, which grows in the waters around the island, inspired me to make a parallel between the time of growth of a plant, […]
Edgar Sarin’s artistic residency. Day III.

Edgar Sarin’s artistic residency in Malta. Day I. Meeting with The Malta Society of Arts is Malta’s oldest institution for the promotion of the arts and crafts, established in 1852. curator Gabriel Zammit and spending the whole day at his studio there. Edgar Sarin and Gabriel Zammit Edgar Sarin and Gabriel Zammit Artist’s vision: the process […]
Max Fouchy’s artistic residency in Sicily. Day 3.

Max Fouchy’s artistic residency in Sicily. The social engagement in Isola is evident day by day, the project becomes a center of attention and curiosity of the community. First meeting wuth Magda Masano, the cultural artist who will be designing some elements in lava stone integrated with the bottles. In a beautiful and meaningful coexistence […]
Klitsa Antoniou ‘s artistic residency in Cyprus. Day III.

Klitsa Antoniou’s artistic residency in Cyprus. Visits to Museums focusing on Ceramic History, Visit Fikardou Village and Rural Museum, The Fikardou Rural Museum is housed in the House of Katsinioros, in Fikardou village.. Tools and utensils connected with rural life have been collected and are exhibited on the ground floor, providing a picture of rural […]
Lucy Orta. Day III.

Lucy Orta’s artistic residency in Mallorca & Ibiza. After analysing the coral samples produced on day 1, we increased their length. Photo credit: Lucy Orta Photo credit: Lucy Orta By feeling the weight and mass of clay we molded came to mold more intuitively, gently pressing polyps into shape, using the indentations of our hands, […]