Olga Sabko’s artistic residency in Mallorca. Day 1.

Olga Sabko’s Artistic Diary Today was the first day of the residency, after a walk in the town we took a car and went 37 km in the center of the island to meet with artisans from Anticmallorca studio. It was a very sunny and peaceful afternoon, the studio filled with light, everything ready to […]
Max Fouchy’s artistic residency in Sicily. Day 1.

Max Fouchy’s artistic residency in Sicily. First day started with the visit of Isola Catania, innovation and education hub, located in breathtaking Palazzo Biscari. Palazzo Biscari is the historical baroque building, considered the most important in Catania I held the first meeting with assistants Gaia Ferrara and Daniele Lombardo, two students of Abadir, design […]
Lucy Orta’s artistic residency on the Balearic Islands. Day I.

Lucy Orta’s Artistic Residency in Ibiza and Mallorca. Mallorca Reflecting on samples for `Red Coral` artwork in AAA Studio, Cultural arts artists Arina Antonova’s studio. I chose terracotta sourced from Villafranca, Majorca, as a primary medium to experiment with the local craft tradition. My co-collaborator for Marlands, Majorca-based artist and ceramicist Arina Antonova ( AAA […]
Edgar Sarin’s artistic residency in Malta. Day I.

Edgar Sarin’s Artistic residency in Malta. Today’s schedule included a visit to Spazju Kreattiv to visit the exhibition space, the visit to Hastings gardens, and to the University of Malta to scout potential sites for installation. I’ve also visited an art shop to buy art materials and the studio space at MSA. Maltese cultural […]